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Enhancements to Product Uploader

The Product Uploader feature is enhanced with the following updates:

  • Multiple language support: This enables seamless updates to different fields in the required language. Users can now efficiently manage and update product information in their preferred language. However, retaining the details in En-US (English) language is mandatory. Also, all the headers are always in the En-US (English) language.
  • New product files added: In the Update and Download sections of Product Uploader, the Product file is no longer available and the information from Product.csv file is now divided into the following three new files:
    • Product Basics - Consists basic information such as Product UUID, name, type, descriptions, vendor details, splash title and description, embedded videos if any, and support phone and email details.
    • Product Features - Consists the product reference id and the description of the features associated with that product.
    • Product Benefits - Consists the product reference id and the benefits associated with that product.
      This change eliminates the duplicity of entries based on features and benefits that were listed in the Products.csv file earlier. You can now download and update the product features, product basics, and product benefits file individually. The products are listed based on the product reference id and are updated to the UI based on these ids.

Feature enablement

No feature enablement is required.

Setting enablement

No setting enablement is required.


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